Facebook let advertisers place ads to reach 'Jew haters'

Facebook allowed advertisements targeted at people who have expressed interest in anti-Semitic topics such as "jew hater," "how to burn jews" or "History of 'why jews ruin the world,'" Pro Publica reported Thursday.

Countering fake news with contagions

Social media is a wonderful tool for sharing information quickly; But not surprisingly, some of that information is false and has played a role in the dissemination of conspiracy theories and fake news.

How online hate infiltrates social media and politics

In late February, the headline of a news commentary website that receives more than 2.8 million monthly visitors announced, "Jews Destroy Another One of Their Own Graveyards to Blame Trump." The story, inspired by the recent ...

Unbelievable news? Read it again and you might think it's true

In the weeks since the U.S. election, concerns have been raised about the prominence and popularity of false news stories spread on platforms such as Facebook. A BuzzFeed analysis found that the top 20 false election stories ...

Mexico demands Sotheby's halt auction of artifacts

(AP)—The Mexican government demanded Wednesday that the Sotheby's auction house halt the planned sale of 51 pre-Colombian Mexican artifacts, arguing they are protected national historical pieces.

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