Fake news: the media industry strikes back

The viral spread of hoaxes and misinformation ahead of the US election and Brexit referendum two years ago was a wake-up call for many established news media, who have gone on the offensive to shore up their credibility and ...

Fighting 'fake news' with the law

Some countries are bringing in legislation to fight "fake news", a particular menace during election campaigning, but critics warn of the danger to freedom of expression and the media.

How a Macedonian town became a 'fake news' epicentre

Jovan got a pair of Nike sneakers and went on holiday to Greece, his reward for having helped turn the small Macedonian town of Veles into an epicentre of "fake news" during the 2016 US presidential race.

The online battle for the truth

False information is saturating political debate worldwide and undermining an already weak level of trust in the media and institutions, spreading further than ever on powerful social networks.

Before Trump, the long history of fake news

In capital letters and with an exclamation mark, "FAKE NEWS!" may have been popularised by Donald Trump in hundreds of his tweets but the concept has existed for centuries.

What happens when people lose trust inĀ theĀ Internet?

An April 2018 survey by the Pew Research Centre has found that fewer people believe that "the Internet has been mostly a good thing for society" as compared to four years ago. This worsening perspective on the social benefits ...

Fake Facebook account reveals how we fall for fake news

A fictitious Facebook account set up by a team of researchers at the University of Nottingham to mirror the sort of news feed users might encounter on their own Facebook pages has highlighted the difficulties in combating ...

The fake news detector

A story on Reddit asks, "Did Palestinians Recognize Texas as Part of Mexico?" The origin of the story might be dubious, but it doesn't prevent the "fake news" story from accumulating 1.5 million likes across multiple platforms ...

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