Science publisher fooled by gibberish papers

Publisher of science journals Springer said Thursday it would scrap 16 papers from its archives after they were revealed to be computer-generated gibberish.

Mexico demands Sotheby's halt auction of artifacts

(AP)—The Mexican government demanded Wednesday that the Sotheby's auction house halt the planned sale of 51 pre-Colombian Mexican artifacts, arguing they are protected national historical pieces.

Twitter 'agrees to block fake Indian PM accounts'

Twitter has agreed to remove six fake accounts which purport to be Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's following a request from the Indian government, the premier's spokesman said on Thursday.

Myanmar moderates risk ire to calm sectarian rift

A Myanmar blogger who was a poster boy for online resistance to the former junta has become the target of a backlash by social media users for speaking out against hatred aimed at Rohingya Muslims.

Fake online editorial fools New York Times

The New York Times, which famously insists on the accuracy of its reports, was red faced Sunday after being fooled by a hoax online editorial posted under the name of ex-boss Bill Keller.

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