Facebook to suggest friends to tag in users photos

(AP) -- Facebook will try to make it easier to identify friends in photos uploaded to the social networking site by using facial recognition software to suggest people that users may want to tag.

Facial recognition techniques studied by BBS team

Rapid improvements in facial-recognition software mean airport security workers might one day know with near certainty whether they're looking at a stressed-out tourist or staring a terrorist in the eye.

Google image search gets a 'swirl'

Google Labs on Tuesday brought more focus to finding pictures online, adding a "Swirl" tool that automatically groups similar images into categories presented on results pages.

FBI delves into DMV photos in search for fugitives

(AP) -- In its search for fugitives, the FBI has begun using facial-recognition technology on millions of motorists, comparing driver's license photos with pictures of convicts in a high-tech analysis of chin widths and ...

HP Labs says reorg paying off with new money-making technology

If Hewlett-Packard hadn't reorganized its research efforts a little more than a year ago, according to Prith Banerjee, director of the world-renowned HP Labs, people on the business side of the company might be asking some ...

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