Germany warns Facebook over face-recognition app

Facebook has until November 7 to bring its facial recognition software into conformity with privacy laws in Germany and the European Union or face legal action, a government lawyer told AFP Friday.

Piecing together the priceless 'Cairo Genizah'

A well-known collection of historical texts, the Cairo Genizah is one of the most valuable sources of primary documents for medieval historians and religious scholars. The 350,000 fragments found in the Genizah include not ...

Facial recognition in use after riots

(AP) -- Facial recognition technology being considered for London's 2012 Games is getting a workout in the wake of Britain's riots, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday, with officers feeding photographs ...

Android phones to pit vampires against slayers

Facial recognition startup Viewdle on Wednesday began letting Android smartphone users see which of the people around them are vampires and which are vampire slayers.

Facebook photos swiped for dating website

Hacking and art mixed on Friday in a freshly-launched dating website that lets visitors seek mates by sifting through profile pictures mined from Facebook.

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