Study shows facial features track with intonation of words

Even though they are not needed to make the specific sounds, parts of Mandarin Chinese speakers' faces—their eyebrows and lips—mimic the rising and falling pitch that distinguishes one word spelled exactly the same from ...

Tissue mechanics essential for cell movement

Cells that form facial features need surrounding embryonic tissues to stiffen so they can move and develop, according to new UCL-led research.

Intel readying to take on Kinect with 3D depth cameras

( —Anil Nanduri, director of perceptual products and solutions at Intel has revealed to IDG News that the company is hard at work developing camera systems that will not only replicate what users have come to expect ...

Next step in facial imaging (w/ Video)

A team of University clinicians and computer scientists can, for the first time, carry out facial movement research and transform the way patients needing facial surgery are diagnosed and monitored thanks to a new state-of-the-art ...

Software enables avatar to reproduce our emotions in real time

(—You move, he moves. You smile, he smiles. You get angry, he gets angry. "He" is the avator you chose. Faceshift, from EPFL's Computer Graphics and Geometry Laboratory, now offers a software program that could ...

Zeno "boy" robot: Let me introduce myself (w/ Video)

( -- Hanson Robotics is showing its new humanoid robot boy that belongs in its Robokind portfolio of robots, a 2012 reincarnation of its earlier cartoonlike Zeno boy but this time more humanoid with an array of gestures ...

British group unveils facial reading lie-detector

( -- A British team of researchers led by Professor Hassan Ugail of Bradford University have demonstrated a new type of lie-detector at the annual British Science Festival in Bradford. Instead of hooking people ...

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