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Intel readying to take on Kinect with 3D depth cameras

( —Anil Nanduri, director of perceptual products and solutions at Intel has revealed to IDG News that the company is hard at work developing camera systems that will not only replicate what users have come to expect ...

Researchers design AI system to diagnose pain levels in sheep

The researchers have developed an AI system which uses five different facial expressions to recognise whether a sheep is in pain, and estimate the severity of that pain. The results could be used to improve sheep welfare, ...

Computer scientists develop smart, less obtrusive tracking system

( -- Researchers at the University at Buffalo and Amrita University in India have developed the framework for a smart environment that can track people's whereabouts without the use of invasive technologies such ...

Next step in facial imaging (w/ Video)

A team of University clinicians and computer scientists can, for the first time, carry out facial movement research and transform the way patients needing facial surgery are diagnosed and monitored thanks to a new state-of-the-art ...

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