A shock-induced mechanism for the creation of organic molecules

Complex carbon-based molecules are everywhere in the Cosmos.  How many of these molecules are formed is still something of a mystery, particularly for carbon molecules formed by nature on primordial Earth that gave rise ...

Ancient enzymes can contribute to greener chemistry

A research team at Uppsala University has resurrected several-billion-year-old enzymes and reprogrammed them to catalyze completely different chemical reactions than their modern versions can manage. The method can be used ...

Researchers synthesize renewable oils for use in lubricants

Engine gears, plane thrusters, refrigerator compressors, wind turbines—the list of important industrial machinery, agricultural equipment, transportation vessels, and home applications that depend on lubricants might be ...

Heat-resistant enzymes could produce more cost-effective drugs

A new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences could change the way scientists look at one of the most essential enzymes in medicine in hopes of designing better and more cost-effective drugs in ...

Recreating conditions inside stars with compact lasers

The energy density contained in the center of a star is higher than we can imagine - many billions of atmospheres, compared with the 1 atmosphere of pressure we live with here on Earth's surface.

First metallic nanoparticles resistant to extreme heat

A University of Pittsburgh team overcame a major hurdle plaguing the development of nanomaterials such as those that could lead to more efficient catalysts used to produce hydrogen and render car exhaust less toxic. The researchers ...

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