Inner ear may hold key to ancient primate behavior

CT scans of fossilized primate skulls or skull fragments from both the Old and New Worlds may shed light on how these extinct animals moved, especially for those species without any known remains, according to an international ...

Mission to map 10 million species in 50 years

An incredible 18,000 new plant and animal species are discovered each year. But this number is dwarfed by the estimated 10 million more species yet to be discovered. It sounds like an impossible task, but it could be achieved ...

What can extinct species do to help conservation?

The dodo, the passenger pigeon and the Tasmanian tiger are well-known victims of extinction caused by human behaviour, but could their status be used to help conservation efforts from beyond the grave?

World pledges more money to protect biodiversity

Efforts to stem the worrying loss of Earth's dwindling natural resources received a boost Saturday when a UN conference in India agreed to double biodiversity aid to poor countries.

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