Probing the mysteries of cracks and stresses

Diving into a pool from a few feet up allows you to enter the water smoothly and painlessly, but jumping from a bridge can lead to a fatal impact. The water is the same in each case, so why is the effect of hitting its surface ...

Mixing theory and observation to envision a warmer world

Climate changes are conjuring a whirlwind ride that seems to present some creatures opportunities to thrive. Scientists scripting supercharged scenarios caution the difference between seasonal coping and long-term adaption ...

Theoretical modeling illuminates a new nonlinear Hall Effect

An international team of researchers including a team from the Center for the Advancement of Topological Semimetals (CATS), an Energy Frontier Research Center under the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science led by ...

Color-selective, three-dimensional polarization structures

Polarization has been a central concept to our understanding of optics and has found many applications ranging from quantum science to our daily life. 3D polarization structures possess peculiar optical features and extra ...

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