Manipulating hypersound in mesoporous materials

The rapidly advancing field of nanophononics focuses on the study of hypersound, which are acoustic waves in the gigahertz to terahertz range, at the nanoscale. These high-frequency acoustic vibrations, also known as acoustic ...

Preventing costly cattle disease to boost fertility rates

The impacts of a venereal disease that causes cattle infertility and costs the industry hundreds of millions of dollars could be mitigated by an experimental vaccine created at the University of Queensland.

Synchronizing chaos through a narrow slice of the spectrum

The abstract notion that the whole can be found in each part of something has for long fascinated thinkers engaged in all walks of philosophy and experimental science, from Immanuel Kant on the essence of time to David Bohm ...

Color-selective, three-dimensional polarization structures

Polarization has been a central concept to our understanding of optics and has found many applications ranging from quantum science to our daily life. 3D polarization structures possess peculiar optical features and extra ...

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