Random matrix theory approaches the mystery of the neutrino mass

When any matter is divided into smaller and smaller pieces, eventually all you are left with—when it cannot be divided any further—is a particle. Currently, there are 12 different known elementary particles, which in ...

Surges in latent infections: Mathematical analysis of viral blips

Recurrent infection is a common feature of persistent viral diseases. It includes episodes of high viral production interspersed by periods of relative quiescence. These quiescent or silent stages are hard to study with experimental ...

Chromatin organizes itself into 3-D 'forests' in single cells

A single cell contains the genetic instructions for an entire organism. This genomic information is managed and processed by the complex machinery of chromatin—a mix of DNA and protein within chromosomes whose function ...

Avoiding chains of magnetic islands may lead to fusion paradise

To create the conditions needed for fusion reactions, tokamak reactors contain a plasma in magnetic fields. These magnetic fields can contain tubular areas called magnetic islands. Plasma particles move extra quickly across ...

The cascade to criticality

Combined theoretical and experimental work has resulted in a novel mechanism through which criticality emerges in quasiperiodic structures—a finding that provides unique insight into the physics on the middle ground between ...

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