Five myths about diesel engines

( -- Diesel engines, long confined to trucks and ships, are garnering more interest for their fuel efficiency and reduced carbon dioxide emissions, relative to gasoline engines. Argonne mechanical engineer Steve ...

New thermocell could harvest 'waste heat'

( —Harvesting waste heat from power stations and even vehicle exhaust pipes could soon provide a valuable supply of electricity.

Truck turns its own heat into power

A 195-year-old discovery is behind a new system that will save vehicles hundreds of litres of fuel and reduce their carbon emissions by as much as 2 to 3 tonnes per year.

Container ships become more energy-efficient

Technology and Software from Siemens are making the world's largest container ships more energy-efficient. The Korean shipbuilding company Daewoo is building 20 container ships for the Danish shipping company Maersk, each ...

Amazing engines promise 60 to 100 mpg

It would be a mistake to count out the internal-combustion engine as yesterday's technology, soon to expire in a puff of exhaust gas. Electrification is coming, but meanwhile engineers have offered more innovation for the ...

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