Stalagmite reveals carbon footprint of early Native Americans

A new study led by Ohio University scientists suggests that early Native Americans left a bigger carbon footprint than previously thought, providing more evidence that humans impacted global climate long before the modern ...

New insights into the life of the Maya

( -- Ancient artifacts are almost always concerned with rich and powerful religious and political leaders, but new excavations of an ancient Maya site have unearthed a pyramid decorated with murals depicting the ...

Ancient Maya Practiced Forest Conservation -- 3,000 Years Ago

( -- As published in the July issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science, paleoethnobotanist David Lentz of the University of Cincinnati has concluded that not only did the Maya people practice forest management, ...

Primate archaeology sheds light on human origins

A University of Calgary archaeologist who is one of the few researchers in the world studying the material culture of human beings' closest living relatives - the great apes - is joining his colleagues in creating a new discipline ...

Researchers find the earliest evidence of domesticated maize

Maize was domesticated from its wild ancestor more than 8700 years according to biological evidence uncovered by researchers in the Mexico's Central Balsas River Valley. This is the earliest dated evidence -- by 1200 years ...

Ancient giant tortoise fossils found in Colombian Andes

Paleontologists have discovered giant tortoise fossils in Colombia dating back some 57 million years, the university leading the excavation said, with the findings key to understanding South America's prehistoric eras.

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