Mapping the first family tree for tropical forests

More than 100 researchers have collaborated to classify the world's tropical forests according to their evolutionary history, a process that will help researchers predict the resilience or susceptibility of different forests ...

Two new studies confirm the 'endogenosymbiosis' hypothesis

Endogenosymbiosis, such as the capacity of "gene carriers" (viruses, retrovirus and bacteriophages) to share parts of their genomes in an endogenous symbiotic relationship with their hosts, was proposed in 2015 by Roberto ...

The first crocodile ancestors

Did you know that birds and crocodiles are practically cousins? Around 230 million years ago, you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between the two different lineages. This is because birds and crocodilians (which ...

Rare evolutionary event detected in the lab

It took nearly a half trillion tries before researchers at The University of Texas at Austin witnessed a rare event and perhaps solved an evolutionary puzzle about how introns, non-coding sequences of DNA located within genes, ...

The evolution of tyrannosaurs

T. rex is probably the most notorious and infamous dinosaur of all time, and somewhat of an icon in both the scientific and public spheres. After all, it was a pretty fearsome and impressive carnivore, and arguably worthy ...

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