Fighting wildfire with GPS data

A new research tool could be used to help predict wildfire evacuation behavior, potentially saving lives and preventing injury in the process.

Tropical Storm Patricia approaches Mexico

(AP) -- Officials closed schools and readied emergency shelters as Tropical Storm Patricia neared Mexico's Los Cabos resorts on Tuesday.

Timing affects hurricane evacuation decisions

In the US, the 2015 hurricane season begins against a backdrop of other recent extreme weather news. Texas floods and Midwest tornadoes remind us of what water and wind can do. We can take comfort from considerable improvement ...

Due to Katrina, American cities now have better evacuation plans

Daniel Hess builds cities for people. So when Hess, University at Buffalo associate professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, arrived in New Orleans in 2005 about two weeks after Hurricane Katrina and walked ...

Modeling dire wildfire circumstances can save lives

The increasing size and number of wildfires can lead to dire situations in which emergency managers must shift their focus from getting everyone out to simply minimizing human casualties.

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