Study finds indications for recovery after ecosystem pollution

Environmental damage caused by human activity can reduce the number of plant and animal species dramatically. At the same time, very little is known about how biodiversity recovers after ecosystem pollution is curtailed and ...

Most biofuels are not 'green', researchers show

(—First tops, then flops. That is one way of summing up the history of biofuels so far. A new study led by Empa gives an up-to-date picture of the ecobalance of various biofuels and their production processes. ...

Why are shallow lakes prone to eutrophication?

Anthropogenic eutrophication of lake ecosystems is a global problem, especially for some large shallow lakes. But scientists have been unclear why shallow lakes appear prone to eutrophication.

Altered chemistry impedes recovery of the Baltic Sea

Eutrophication has changed the chemistry of sediments at the bottom of the Baltic Sea so much that processes that counteract eutrophication are impeded. This is the finding of a new thesis from the University of Gothenburg.

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