380-million-year-old heart illuminates evolutionary history

Researchers have discovered a 380-million-year-old heart—the oldest ever found—alongside a separate fossilized stomach, intestine and liver in an ancient jawed fish, shedding new light on the evolution of our own bodies.

Under Observation -- Restless Atoms Cause Materials to Age

(PhysOrg.com) -- Atoms have the habit of jumping through solids - a practice that physicists have recently been able to follow for the first time using a brand new method. This scientific advance was made possible thanks ...

Oldest fossil brain found in Kansas (Videos)

When Alan Pradel of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris CAT scanned a 300-million-year-old fossilized iniopterygian from Kansas, he and his colleagues saw a symmetrical blob nestled within the braincase. ...

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