Ethylene sensor could help monitor plant health

To control flowering and fruit ripening, plants release the gaseous hormone ethylene. Environmental conditions, including drought, salinity and pathogens, can also cause levels of the hormone to fluctuate. Therefore, monitoring ...

Detecting ethylene, the fruit ripening hormone

Ethylene is a gaseous plant hormone which regulates a wide range of biological processes in plants. It is associated with the ripening processes in a number of fruits such as apples and pears. Better understanding of the ...

The chemical that tells plants when it's time to sleep

Each of us goes through a daily cycle. We wake up, spend the day eating, working and playing, and then we sleep. Messing with this cycle by not sleeping, doing shift work, travelling to a different time zone or living where ...

Discovery set to make food and flowers last longer

A pair of Curtin University researchers has come up with a way of extending the shelf-life of vegetables, fruit and flowers by slowing down the process that leads to them spoiling.

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