Converting carbon dioxide into methane or ethane selectively

A research team led by Professor Su-Il In from Department of Energy Science and Engineering has succeeded in developing photo catalysts that can convert carbon dioxide into usable energy such as methane or ethane.

One oil field a key culprit in global ethane gas increase

A single U.S. shale oil field is responsible for much of the past decade's increase in global atmospheric levels of ethane, a gas that can damage air quality and impact climate, according to new study led by the University ...

Emissions from natural gas wells may travel far downwind

Emissions linked to hydraulic fracturing, the method of drilling for natural gas commonly known as "fracking," can be detected hundreds of miles away in states that that forbid or strictly control the practice, according ...

New technique could slash energy used to produce many plastics

A new material developed at the University of Colorado Boulder could radically reduce the energy needed to produce a wide variety of plastic products, from grocery bags and cling wrap to replacement hips and bulletproof vests.

Cagey material acts as alcohol factory

Some chemical conversions are harder than others. Refining natural gas into an easy-to-transport, easy-to-store liquid alcohol has so far been a logistic and economic challenge. But now, a new material, designed and patented ...

Stray gases found in water wells near shale gas sites

Homeowners living within one kilometer of shale gas wells appear to be at higher risk of having their drinking water contaminated by stray gases, according to a new Duke University-led study.

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