The Wikipedia paradox: Who's telling the truth?

People are less likely to trust a poorly written article if the visual cues suggest it comes from Wikipedia. Presented with the same information in an alternative layout, their trust will be greater. The presence of serious ...

Mars Odyssey Orbiter Puts Itself Into Safe Standby

( -- NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter put itself into a safe standby mode on Saturday, Nov. 28, and the team operating the spacecraft has begun implementing careful steps designed to resume Odyssey's science and relay ...

Clones of clones can make clones

Since the first reports of successful cloning of mammals by somatic cell nuclear transfer, concerns have been raised about the efficiency and repeatability of cloning techniques, and the health of cloned offspring. Although ...

Verification testing of Japan's first medical body area network

Fujitsu today announced that it has successfully completed the first verification test in Japan for a medical body area network (mBAN). Conforming to IEEE 802. 15.6 standards and using a prototype device with a frequency ...

Quantum computers in action in chemistry

Quantum computers are one of the key future technologies of the 21st century. Their potential surpasses even the best supercomputers. They have proven to be a powerful tool, in particular for solving complex computational ...

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