Ion qubits offer early glimpse of quantum error detection

Computers based on quantum physics promise to solve certain problems much faster than their conventional counterparts. By utilizing qubits—which can have more than just the two values of ordinary bits—quantum computers ...

Former Equifax chairman apologizes for data breach

The former chairman and CEO of Equifax says the company was entrusted with personal information of 140 million Americans and "we let them down" as human error and technology failures allowed a massive data breach.

Machine learning tackles quantum error correction

(—Physicists have applied the ability of machine learning algorithms to learn from experience to one of the biggest challenges currently facing quantum computing: quantum error correction, which is used to design ...

Biology's need for speed tolerates a few mistakes

Biology must be in a hurry. In balancing speed and accuracy to duplicate DNA, produce proteins and carry out other processes, evolution has apparently determined that speed is of higher priority, according to Rice University ...

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