Neutron stars cast light on quark matter

Quark matter – an extremely dense phase of matter made up of subatomic particles called quarks – may exist at the heart of neutron stars. It can also be created for brief moments in particle colliders on Earth, such as ...

Warm water creeps into otherwise-calm Central Pacific

After a mild La Niña late last year, temperatures, convection and rainfall rates in the equatorial Pacific Ocean returned to normal by early April of this year. An April 9 image of sea level height from the U.S./European ...

Symmetry is essential for power network synchronization

A joint research team from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and North Carolina State University has clarified the fundamental principles for achieving the synchronization of power generator groups in power networks, ...

Simulations document self-assembly of proteins and DNA

What makes particles self-assemble into complex biological structures? Often, this phenomenon is due to the competition between forces of attraction and repulsion, produced by electric charges in various sections of the particles. ...

Reconsidering damage production and radiation mixing in materials

Understanding the nature of radiation damage in materials is of paramount importance for controlling the safety of nuclear reactors, semiconductor technology, and designing reliable devices in space. For more than 60 years, ...

Massive astrophysical objects governed by subatomic equation

Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics governing the sometimes-strange behavior of the tiny particles that make up our universe. Equations describing the quantum world are generally confined to the subatomic realm—the ...

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