A new tool for modeling materials

Thermoset polymers made with composite materials give us everything from concrete bridge reinforcements to jet airplane wings to fiberglass boat hulls, and Philippe Geubelle's mission is to make these composites using methods ...

Too young to be so cool: Lessons from three neutron stars

ESA's XMM-Newton and NASA's Chandra spacecraft have detected three young neutron stars that are unusually cold for their age. By comparing their properties to different neutron star models, scientists conclude that the oddballs' ...

Describing growing tissues in the language of thermodynamics

A key feature of biological tissues is their inhomogeneity and their ability to grow via cell reproduction. To study this behavior, it is important to describe it using equations, which account for factors including growth ...

Spring is here: NOAA satellite animation captures vernal equinox

Spring has officially arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, while the Southern Hemisphere is embracing autumn. The start of astronomical spring, known as the vernal equinox, occurred yesterday, March 19, 2024, at 11:06 p.m. ...

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An equation is a mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions. In modern notation, this is written by placing the expressions on either side of an equals sign (=), for example

asserts that x+3 is equal to 5. The = symbol was invented by Robert Recorde (1510–1558), who considered that nothing could be more equal than parallel straight lines with the same length.

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