Pretreating soil with ethanol protects plants from drought

Ethanol can help plants survive in times of drought says a new study conducted at the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science in Japan. Led by Motoaki Seki, researchers show that adding ethanol to soil allows plants, ...

How plants compensate symbiotic microbes

"Equal pay for equal work," a motto touted by many people, turns out to be relevant to the plant world as well. According to new research by Stanford University ecologists, plants allocate resources to their microbial partners ...

Some urban commuters have no choice but to take their car

An EPFL study shows that suburban commuters do not necessarily take environmental concerns into account when deciding whether to use their car. Many car commuters—especially those with hectic schedules—feel they have ...

Japanese increasingly single, disinterested in dating: study

In Japan, the proportion of the population who are single has increased dramatically in the past three decades. In 2015, one in four women and one in three men in their 30s were single, and half of the singles say they are ...

Girls lead boys in academic achievement globally

Considerable attention has been paid to how boys' educational achievements in science and math compare to girls' accomplishments in those areas, often leading to the assumption that boys outperform girls in these areas. Now, ...

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