Cannabis tourism: How a new travel trend is taking off

Legal cannabis consumption rose in the U.S. and Europe during the COVID pandemic, with some people turning to marijuana to help them cope with lockdowns and broken routines. Meanwhile, fewer people today view the drug as ...

Virtual water cannot remedy freshwater shortage

The implementation of virtual water into trading deals has been suggested as a realistic solution to solving the global inequality of renewable freshwater, but new research suggests that it may not be as revolutionary as ...

How plants compensate symbiotic microbes

"Equal pay for equal work," a motto touted by many people, turns out to be relevant to the plant world as well. According to new research by Stanford University ecologists, plants allocate resources to their microbial partners ...

The NBA league is more equal than the ACB

Competitiveness amongst NBA teams is more constant throughout seasons than during the ACB basketball league (Spain), which also falls after every Olympic Games. According to a study from the University of Las Palmas de Gran ...

Protests, democracy not always good for women's rights

Social movements, such as those currently gaining momentum in the Middle East and North Africa, can open the door for democracy, but that does not always benefit women's rights, says a Purdue University sociologist.

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