Virtual water cannot remedy freshwater shortage

The implementation of virtual water into trading deals has been suggested as a realistic solution to solving the global inequality of renewable freshwater, but new research suggests that it may not be as revolutionary as ...

Why women are still left doing most of the housework

( -- An Oxford University study says if current trends continue, women will probably have to wait until 2050 before men are doing an equal share of the household chores and childcare. According to the paper published ...

Studies: Public favors equal custody for children of divorce

The public favors equal custody for children of divorce, according to findings in a pair of studies by Arizona State University researchers that will appear in the May 2011 journal Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.

Protests, democracy not always good for women's rights

Social movements, such as those currently gaining momentum in the Middle East and North Africa, can open the door for democracy, but that does not always benefit women's rights, says a Purdue University sociologist.

Does equality increase status spending?

People are happier when goods are more equally distributed, but equality makes people want to spend more to get ahead of their neighbors, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.

Students' understanding of the equal sign not equal, prof says

Taken very literally, not all students are created equal — especially in their math learning skills, say Texas A&M University researchers who have found that not fully understanding the "equal sign" in a math problem could ...

Gender-based pay gaps among US faculty

Before the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was signed into law by President Kennedy, women earned about fifty percent less than men. Nationally, women still earn an average of thirty percent less than men regardless of education, choice ...

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