Related topics: bpa

New insights into the polymer mystique for conducting charges

For most of us, a modern lifestyle without polymers is unthinkable… if only we knew what they were. The ordinary hardware-store terms we use for them include "plastics, polyethylene, epoxy resins, paints, adhesives, rubber"—without ...

New corrosion protection that repairs itself

Skyscrapers, bridges, ships, airplanes, cars—everything humans make or build sooner or later decays. The ravages of time are known as corrosion; nothing is safe from it.

Carbon copying the 'Stradivarius' sound

( -- It's every violinmaker's dream to produce an instrument to rival the sound of a Stradivarius but now researchers at The University of Nottingham are trying to do just that… using acoustic physics and carbon ...

Terrifying pterosaurs were fragile in flight

Pterosaurs, the largest creatures ever to take to the skies, were adept fliers in a balmy breeze but would have crashed in stormy weather, according to a study published Wednesday.

Graphene research: Numerous products, no acute dangers

Think big. Despite its research topic, this could well be the motto of the Graphene Flagship, which was launched in 2013: With an overall budget of one billion Euros, it was Europe's largest research initiative to date, alongside ...

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