Is the US ready for an African swine fever outbreak?

In a new study, researchers from North Carolina State University have used a computer model to understand how African swine fever (ASF) might spread among swine farms in the southeastern U.S.—and examined the effectiveness ...

Calculating human health risks with general weather data

Weather stations provide detailed records of temperature, precipitation, and storm events. These stations, however, are not always well spaced and can be scattered throughout cities or can even be absent in remote regions.

Infectious ants become antisocial

Looking after yourself, and trying not to infect others, is a good strategy to prevent disease from spreading - not only if you are a considerate co-worker, but also if you are an ant, meerkat or other social animal, as revealed ...

Social networking study reveals threat to Tasmanian devils

A new study into the social networks of Tasmanian devils may help prevent the further spread of an extinction-threatening disease. The research, published in Ecology Letters, has produced an intricate social network of devil ...