Research group develops more efficient artificial enzyme

( -- A research group based out of the University of Michigan, and led by Vincent Pecoraro has successfully created a computer designed artificial enzyme that can serve as a catalyst for converting water and carbon ...

New technique permits development of enzyme tool kit

An Arizona State University graduate student, Jinglin Fu, in collaboration with Biodesign Institute researchers Neal Woodbury and Stephen Albert Johnston, has pioneered a technique that improves on scientists' ability to ...

Newly found DNA catalysts cleave DNA with water molecule

Better tools for manipulating DNA in the laboratory may soon be possible with newly discovered deoxyribozymes (catalytic DNA) capable of cleaving single-stranded DNA, researchers at the University of Illinois say.

Newly engineered enzyme speeds up slow organic reaction

Versatile catalysts with new features and functions could revolutionize scientists' synthetic strategies, paving the way for high-value chemicals and a greener chemical industry. In search of such catalysts, scientists have ...

Scientists find new ways to use biorefinery chemicals

Researchers of the Synthetic Organic Chemistry group at Aalto University have established an innovative system using enzymes for the valorisation of biogenic furans, leading to organic structures that are found for example ...

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