Detecting nitrogen dioxide from power plants with Sentinel-2

Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide is a harmful pollutant with significant impacts on air quality, climate and the biosphere. Although satellites have mapped nitrogen dioxide concentrations since the 1990s, their resolution was ...

Coinfecting viruses obstruct each other's cell invasion

The process by which phages—viruses that infect and replicate within bacteria—enter cells has been studied for over 50 years. In a new study, researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Texas A&M ...

The role of community conversation in improving air quality

Assessments of how transportation pollution affects health often fail to prioritize the needs or concerns of communities experiencing disproportionate exposure to environmental hazards, such as low-income areas or communities ...

Groundwater plays an invisible role supporting lakes

Nearly 90% of North America's lakes are located in Canada. That's why they make up such an enormous part of our landscape. Among their many vital functions, lakes are essential to the biodiversity of our territory and constitute ...

Handling with care: PTSD in horses

Equine companionship is built upon a foundation of trust and care. Yet, maintaining a horse's trust can be challenging, especially when a past event has left the animal with behaviors mirroring what's diagnosed as post-traumatic ...

Japan's youth and climate change

Students in Japan are more likely to be apathetic towards or confused by climate change than concerned or actively involved in the issue, according to research at the University of Tokyo. The work is published in the journal ...

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