Fishes' innate food choice could change with the environment

The fact that fish choose their food based on what colours they can see, as opposed to how it tastes, is an inherited trait that could have implications for the evolution in the animal kingdom, new Deakin University research ...

Roundworm research reviewed in Science publication

There are 16,000 types of parasitic roundworms causing illnesses in humans and animals. Controlling their effects on health becomes more difficult as the medicines used to treat them become less effective. A University of ...

Bacterial colonization of the lung also depends on the host genome

The lung is by no means a sterile place, as was assumed for a long time. In fact, it actually harbors a diverse microbial ecosystem. We know from previous studies that changes in the lung microbiome are associated with diseases ...

Hidden microbiome fortifies animals, plants too

The microbiome is the collection of microbes that colonize a habitat, human body or otherwise. Because of pioneering microbiome research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, people around the world now ...

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