Host genetic factors shape composition of virus communities

Plants can be infected by multiple viruses at once. However, the composition of the pathogen community varies, even if individuals belong to the same species and the same population. Ecologists at the University of Zurich ...

Study finds indications for recovery after ecosystem pollution

Environmental damage caused by human activity can reduce the number of plant and animal species dramatically. At the same time, very little is known about how biodiversity recovers after ecosystem pollution is curtailed and ...

There is strength in diversity

Altered or new environmental conditions, such as those brought about by shifts in human land use and climate change, impose challenges on living organisms. This can drive species to extinction if they fail to adapt or adjust ...

Fishes' innate food choice could change with the environment

The fact that fish choose their food based on what colours they can see, as opposed to how it tastes, is an inherited trait that could have implications for the evolution in the animal kingdom, new Deakin University research ...

Butterflies switch lifestyles using hormones

Many habitats on Earth change dramatically with the seasons, profoundly affecting food availability, predation pressure and reproductive opportunities for animals living in these seasonal habitats. To survive and reproduce ...

First supper is a life changer for lizards

For young lizards born into this unpredictable world, their very first meal can be a major life changer. So say researchers who report evidence on July 3 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, that this early detail ...

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