A new simple scheme for atom interferometry

Atom interferometers are devices that use the wave characteristics of matter to measure the phase between atomic matter waves to separate paths to make high-precision measurements of elements of physics, such as gravitational ...

Optical barcodes expand range of high-resolution sensor

The same geometric quirk that lets visitors murmur messages around the circular dome of the whispering gallery at St. Paul's Cathedral in London or across St. Louis Union Station's whispering arch also enables the construction ...

A molecular fingerprint beyond the Nyquist frequency

Ultrashort pulses play a significant role in spectroscopic applications. Their broad spectral bandwidth enables simultaneous characterization of the sample at various frequencies, eliminating the need for repeated measurements ...

Exploring trends in AI-fueled metaphotonics research

A research team has published a paper in Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science highlighting the next generation of research trends that combine metaphotonics research with artificial intelligence.

A new approach to 24/7 air quality monitoring using cameras

Air pollution is a critical global health issue, demanding innovative monitoring solutions. Traditional methods, reliant on ground stations, are expensive and geographically limited, hindering comprehensive coverage. Recent ...

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