Using genes to rescue animal and plants from extinction

( —With estimates of losing 15 to 40 percent of the world's species over the next four decades – due to climate change and habitat loss, researchers ponder in the Sept. 26 issue of Nature whether science should ...

Researchers build most complex synthetic biology circuit yet

Using genes as interchangeable parts, synthetic biologists design cellular circuits that can perform new functions, such as sensing environmental conditions. However, the complexity that can be achieved in such circuits has ...

Scientists develop artificial worm gut to break down plastics

A team of scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has developed an artificial worm gut to break down plastics, offering hope for a nature-inspired method to tackle the global plastic pollution ...

Solar house energy analysis shows 71 percent energy savings

( —The energy efficiencies of a solar house could result in significant energy savings, according to research by an undergraduate engineering student at Missouri University of Science and Technology.

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