Related topics: climate change

Can your diet help protect the environment?

If Americans adhere to global dietary recommendations designed to reduce the impact of food production and consumption, environmental degradation could be reduced by up to 38%, according to a new paper published in the journal ...

Economic sustainability in the construction sector

Leading world markets face similar problems in creating economically and environmentally sustainable construction industries, international researchers say in a new research article.

Hunting for bomb-eating bugs

University of Arizona researchers are studying the environmental effects of insensitive munitions compounds, or IMCs, which are new, more stable explosives that won't detonate in response to heat or shock.

Study looks at how land acquisitions affect climate change

In 2007, an increase in world food prices led to a global rush for land in the form of land grabs or large-scale land acquisitions. Over the last two decades, such acquisitions have resulted in millions of hectares of land ...

Popular doesn't mean influential among Cambodian farmers

It's become common practice for NGOs and environmental development agencies to use 'influencers' for the roll out of environmentally sustainable farming practices, but this isn't always the most effective method, say social ...

'Ribbit Radio' shows frog population estimates are likely flawed

Scientists track amphibian populations because these animals are sensitive to changes in their environment and can serve as "canaries in the coal mine" to give researchers early warnings about pollution or other ecological ...

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