CRISPR insight: How to fine-tune Cas protein's grip on DNA

At the heart of every CRISPR reaction, whether naturally occurring in bacteria or harnessed by CRIPSR-Cas gene editing technology, is a strong molecular bond of a Cas protein via a guide RNA to its target site on DNA. It's ...

Physicist identifies how electron crystals melt

The mysterious changes in phases of matter—from solid to liquid and back again—have fascinated Eun-Ah Kim since she was in lower elementary school in South Korea. Without cold drinking water readily available, on hot ...

Color-selective, three-dimensional polarization structures

Polarization has been a central concept to our understanding of optics and has found many applications ranging from quantum science to our daily life. 3D polarization structures possess peculiar optical features and extra ...

Scientists develop powerful family of 2D materials

A team from the Tulane University School of Science and Engineering has developed a new family of two-dimensional materials that researchers say has promising applications, including in advanced electronics and high-capacity ...

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