Cutting urban carbon emissions by retrofitting buildings

To support the worldwide struggle to reduce carbon emissions, many cities have made public pledges to cut their carbon emissions in half by 2030, and some have promised to be carbon neutral by 2050. Buildings can be responsible ...

How larger body sizes helped the colonizers of New Zealand

For the first time, researchers have developed a model to estimate how much energy the original colonizers of New Zealand expended to maintain their body temperatures on the cold, harrowing ocean journey from Southeast Asia.

Energy sector CO2 emissions hit record in 2022: study

Global energy sector carbon dioxide emissions hit a record peak last year counter to Paris commitments, a key study warned Monday, and highlighted the "worst ever" impacts of climate change.

New material opens the door for energy-efficient computing

Over the last decade, with the introduction of increasingly complex artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, the demand for computing power has risen exponentially. New, energy-efficient hardware designs could help meet ...

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