Some icy exoplanets may have habitable oceans and geysers

A NASA study expands the search for life beyond our solar system by indicating that 17 exoplanets (worlds outside our solar system) could have oceans of liquid water, an essential ingredient for life, beneath icy shells. ...

New research examines corrosion on atomic level

When water vapor meets metal, the resulting corrosion can lead to mechanical problems that harm a machine's performance. Through a process called passivation, it also can form a thin inert layer that acts as a barrier against ...

Permselectivity reveals a cool side of nanopores

Researchers from Osaka University investigated the thermal energy changes across nanopores that allow the selective flow of ions. Switching off the flow of ions in one direction led to a cooling effect. The findings have ...

Astronomers discover infant 'escaping star'

Stars escape from their birth place and eventually become dispersed across the galaxy. This is an important process in galactic evolution. Theoretical studies suggest two possible reasons why stars escape. First, stars may ...

Remote work can slash your carbon footprint, if done right

Remote workers can have a 54% lower carbon footprint compared with onsite workers, according to a new study by Cornell University and Microsoft, with lifestyle choices and work arrangements playing an essential role in determining ...

Hybrid catalyst produces critical fertilizer and cleans wastewater

Agriculture relies on synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, which is made using energy- and carbon-intensive processes and creates nitrate-containing runoff. Researchers have long sought solutions to reduce emissions from the industry ...

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