The Netherlands not ready for smart and sustainable energy system

The Netherlands is lagging hopelessly behind in implementing European obligations for a transition to smart and sustainable energy. According to Professor Saskia Lavrijssen, this is the current state of affairs in the Netherlands, ...

Solar power home storage systems put to test

Home storage systems for electricity produced by photovoltaics facilities are gaining attractiveness, as their costs are declining. However, standardized, verifiable criteria for the end client to assess their performance ...

Collaboration uncovers the origin of extraordinary supernovae

Astronomers using the OISTER telescope consortium in Japan have uncovered new information about the origin of 'extraordinary supernovae' explosions, which are brighter than normal ones. This new information will help improve ...

Finding aliens may be even easier than previously thought

Finding examples of intelligent life other than our own in the Universe is hard work. Between spending decades listening to space for signs of radio traffic – which is what the good people at the SETI Institute have been ...

Changes in solar cell technology

A laser-based manufacturing process from the Fraunhofer ISE in Freiburg, Germany is revolutionizing the photovoltaics market. For the first time point-contacted solar cells can be manufactured in series. Several million cells ...

Reducing the cost of wind energy for a renewable future

A 100 percent renewable energy scenario is possible in Europe, but to achieve it, we need to make offshore wind more competitive and start redesigning our energy systems, says world expert Brian Vad Mathiesen

NREL raises rooftop photovoltaic technical potential estimate

Analysts at the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have used detailed light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data for 128 cities nationwide, along with improved data analysis methods and simulation ...

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