A novel way to get to the excited states of exotic nuclei

An atomic nucleus assumes discrete energy levels when added energy excites that nucleus. These energy levels are the nucleus' unique fingerprint; no two nuclei have identical energy patterns. For exotic nuclei, which have ...

Magnon-based computation could signal computing paradigm shift

Like electronics or photonics, magnonics is an engineering subfield that aims to advance information technologies when it comes to speed, device architecture, and energy consumption. A magnon corresponds to the specific amount ...

A wise tool for modifying microbes

A DNA editing tool adapted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists makes engineering microbes for everything from bioenergy production to plastics recycling easier and faster.

Customizing catalysts for solid-state reactions

Chemists at Hokkaido University and the Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD) have developed the first high-performance catalyst specifically designed and optimized for solid-state, mechanochemical ...

Six reasons 2023 could be a very good year for climate action

Many people think of the annual UN climate talks as talkfests which achieve only incremental change, at best. Activist Greta Thunberg has described them as "blah blah blah" moments—grossly inadequate and too often hijacked ...

Energy crisis: The five challenges for 2023

How will the map of global energy change? Will sky-high energy prices boost renewables? How will the industrial landscape shift? What will the lasting economic impacts be? How will the energy crisis affect climate action? ...

What triggers flow fluctuations in heavy-ion collision debris?

Scientists in the STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)—an atom smasher at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory—have published a comprehensive analysis aimed at determining ...

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