Charge your mobile phone with formic acid?

( —Surprisingly the answer is yes. With the technology of today it is possible to use environmental friendly formic acid in fuel cell powering your mobile phone or laptop. Physicist Florian Nitze, Umeå University, ...

Scent guides hawk moths to the best-fitting flowers

That the morphology of many pollinators corresponds strikingly to the shape of the flowers they pollinate was observed more than 150 years ago by Charles Darwin. He described this perfect mutual adaptation of flowers and ...

Topological superconductors: Seeking a robust home for qubits

(—If quantum computers are ever going to perform all those expected feats of code-breaking and number crunching, then their component qubits—-tiny ephemeral quantum cells held in a superposition of internal states—-will ...

A step forward for ultrafast spintronics

(—In spin based electronics the spin of the electron is used as a carrier of information. To meet the need for faster electronics, the speed must be increased as far as possible. Today, Uppsala physicists show ...

Environmental crunch 'worse than thought': OECD

Pressures on Earth's ecosystem are now so great that future generations could be doomed to falling living standards, the OECD said on Thursday in a report looking to the mid-century.

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