Plight of imperiled Montana insect draws lawsuit

Wildlife advocates asked a judge Wednesday to force federal officials to decide if a rare aquatic insect that's found only in Montana's Glacier National Park should be protected under the Endangered Species Act.

Feds to consider endangered species listing for spotted owl

Federal biologists will consider increasing Endangered Species Act protections for the northern spotted owl, reflecting the bird's continued slide toward extinction despite steep logging cutbacks in the Northwest forests ...

US gives threatened status to northern long-eared bat

The federal government said Wednesday that it is listing the northern long-eared bat as threatened, giving new protections to a species that has been nearly wiped out in some areas by the spread of a fungal disease.

Green sea turtles recover in Florida, Mexico

Long considered an endangered species, green sea turtles in Florida and Mexico have bounced back and officials said Friday they are seeking to change the turtles' protected status to "threatened."

Government to spend $3.2 million to help monarch butterfly

The federal government on Monday pledged $3.2 million to help save the monarch butterfly, the iconic orange-and-black butterfly that can migrate thousands of miles between the U.S. and Mexico each year. In recent years, the ...

'Tiger heavyweight' Nepal hosts anti-poaching summit

Nepal's success in turning tiger-fearing villagers into their protectors has seen none of the endangered cats killed for almost three years, offering key lessons for an anti-poaching summit opening in Kathmandu on Monday.

Gray wolf travels more than 500 miles, then gets shot in Utah

Long trip, sad ending. A 3-year-old female gray wolf, after traveling more than 500 miles from Wyoming, was shot and killed in southwestern Utah after a hunter apparently mistook her for a coyote, state officials said Monday.

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