US issues rules to protect bat threatened by fungal disease

Federal officials issued regulations Wednesday designed to protect the northern long-eared bat, one of several types of bat that have suffered steep population declines because of a rapidly spreading fungal disease.

Feds say New England cottontail doesn't need protection

The federal government said Friday that public and private conservation efforts have helped the New England cottontail rebound to the point where it can be taken off the list of species under consideration for protection.

When a 'UFO' flies by, does it bother bears?

If an unidentified flying object suddenly appeared in the sky, it's likely your heart would beat faster. Now, researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on August 13 have found that the same is true for ...

Bangladesh discovers only 100 tigers in famed Sundarbans

Bangladesh has only about 100 tigers living in the world's largest mangrove forest, far fewer of the endangered animals than previously thought, following a recent survey, a top forestry official said Monday.

Origins of the Hawaiian hoary bat revealed

A Grand Valley State University biology professor and her team of scientists have determined new information about an endangered species in the U.S., which could impact its protection under the Endangered Species Act.

Tough laws 'not enough' to stop endangered wildlife trade

The international wildlife trade is a major threat to various endangered animals across the world, but as western conservation groups seek stricter law enforcement over this practice, new research finds that tough laws are ...

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