Dutch ponder giving police the right to hack

The Dutch government has unveiled the draft of a law that would give police investigating online crimes the right to hack into computers in the Netherlands or abroad and install spyware or destroy files.

Deals site LivingSocial says it's been hacked

Online deals service LivingSocial said Friday that its website was hacked, and the personal data of more than 50 million customers may have been affected.

'Spooky action at a distance' aboard the ISS

(Phys.org) —Albert Einstein famously described quantum entanglement as "spooky action at distance"; however, up until now experiments that examine this peculiar aspect of physics have been limited to relatively small distances ...

Syria, China worst for online spying, RSF reports

Syria, China, Iran, Bahrain and Vietnam are flagrantly spying online, media watchdog RSF said Tuesday, urging controls on the export of Internet surveillance tools to regimes clamping down on dissent.

Space race under way to create quantum satellite

In this month's special edition of Physics World, focusing on quantum physics, Thomas Jennewein and Brendon Higgins from the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo, Canada, describe how a quantum space ...

Beefing up public-key encryption

Most financial transactions on the Internet are safeguarded by a cryptographic technique called public-key encryption. Where traditional encryption relies on a single secret key, shared by both sender and recipient, public-key ...

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