New avenue for the large-scale synthesis of Janus particles

Chinese researchers have developed an emulsion interfacial polymerization method to fabricate Janus particles exhibiting chemical and topological anisotropy. The results were published in the journal Science Advances in an ...

New technology reduces transportation costs of heavy oil

The Mexican Oil Institute (IMP) has developed biosurfactants that reduce oil viscosity and lower operating costs. The technology allows for operational flexibility in the transport of crude oil through ducts from the production ...

Understanding emulsions in foods

An emulsion is a mixture of two fluids such as oil and water that is achieved by breaking up the molecules in both substances into very fine, small droplets in order to keep the combination from separating. In the August ...

Stirred, not shaken: Nanoscale magnetic stir bars

Anyone who has ever worked in a laboratory has seen them: magnetic stirrers that rotate magnetic stir bars in liquids to mix them. The stir bars come in many different forms—now including nanometer-sized. In the journal ...

Bottom-up process for making dodecane-in-water nanoemulsions

( —A new process for generating nanometer-scale oil droplets in water has been reported in the journal Angewandte Chemie by Japanese researchers, who have developed a technique they named MAGIQ (monodisperse nanodroplet ...

Dutch architect to build house with 3D printer

A Dutch architect has designed a house "with no beginning or end" to be built using the world's largest 3D printer, harnessing technology that may one day be used to print houses on the moon.

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