Facebook warns employers not to demand passwords

(AP) -- Facebook is warning employers not to demand the passwords of job applicants, saying that it's an invasion of privacy that opens companies to legal liabilities.

Faced with job loss? Perception is everything

(PhysOrg.com) -- When faced with job loss, people who consider themselves poor may limit employment prospects by believing they have a smaller social network than they actually do, says a University of Michigan business professor.

To create 2.4 million jobs invest excess corporate cash: study

U.S. corporations have far less cash on hand to invest than popularly believed - but enough to provide a significant economic stimulus and renewed employment growth in the midst of a tepid economic recovery, concludes a new ...

Blind, visually impaired New Yorkers contribute to state economy

Employment statistics suggest bleak economic realities for New Yorkers who are blind. Nearly two in three are out of work, a level in line with national unemployment figures for individuals who are blind and other populations ...

Half of British workforce ill-treated in past two years

(PhysOrg.com) -- One million Britons experienced workplace violence in the last two years, while millions more were subjected to intimidation, humiliation and rudeness, new research has shown.

What employers look for of those re-entering the workforce

Finding a job in today's economy is difficult in the best of circumstances, but many women are facing an even bigger challenge: returning to the workforce after a long absence. Researchers recently looked at the characteristics ...

Working mothers and the effects on children

Parents struggling to combine paid work with bringing up their children now have some positive news thanks to a new study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) on maternal employment and child socio-emotional ...

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