Climate change linked to declines in labour productivity

Increases in humidity caused as a result of climate change are reducing labour productivity and it's only likely to get worse over time, argue researchers from America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Courts mostly ignore immigration status in lawsuits, study says

(—When a person living in the U.S. without legal permission or suspected of doing so is involved in a work-related lawsuit, most courts disregard their immigration status when determining remedies, says a study ...

Firms that purport to value shareholders pay CEOs more, study finds

Ever wonder why CEOs at poorly performing companies continue to receive exorbitant pay packages? According to a study from a University of Illinois labor professor, firms that trumpet how much they value shareholders actually ...

Migration increases competition for low-skilled jobs

New research shows that since 2011, the number of jobs created in Australia was equalled by the number of new migrants who found employment, increasing competition in the jobs market.

Still a huge gap between the sexes, researchers report

It is common knowledge that despite significant efforts to reduce the education and employment gap between the sexes, the issue remains unresolved. Women still earn less than men, and are still a minority in political decision-making ...

Nokia Siemens axes services unit, 1,000 jobs at risk

Nokia Siemens Networks, a joint venture between Finnish and German engineering giants Nokia and Siemens, said Wednesday it is shutting down one of its German units with the potential loss of 1,000 jobs.

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