World lost equivalent of 255 mn jobs in 2020: UN

The coronavirus pandemic took a huge toll on global jobs last year, the United Nations said Monday, with the equivalent of more than a quarter of a billion lost.

Being good at your job won't stop age discrimination

How old you are could be more important to some employers than your experience, or your capacity to do the job—particularly for older candidates. That was the conclusion of research my colleagues and I recently published ...

Study provides insights on bouncing back from job loss

Stress associated with job loss can have a host of negative effects on individuals that may hinder their ability to become re-employed. A new study published in the Journal of Employment Counseling examines the importance ...

Employers reject transgender people

Employers in Sweden more often reject job applications from transgender people—especially in male-dominated occupations. Moreover, transgender people face discrimination from two different grounds for discrimination. This ...

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