A sharp eye on Southern binary stars

Unlike our sun, with its retinue of orbiting planets, many stars in the sky orbit around a second star. These binary stars, with orbital periods ranging from days to centuries, have long been the primary tool for measuring ...

Sydney switches off for Earth Hour

Sydney's Opera House and Harbour Bridge plunged into darkness Saturday for the Earth Hour environmental campaign, among the first landmarks around the world to dim their lights for the event.

Earth Hour to tap crowdfunding for green campaigns

Lights will go off in some 7,000 cities around the world for this weekend's Earth Hour event, which will aim to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for environmental projects worldwide, organisers said Thursday.

Google Maps Camera-toting teams map US beaches

Gregg Matthews fancies himself a lumbering Star Wars character of sorts as he treks along a popular Florida beach. He wears stout hiking sandals on the squishy sand and uses ski poles for balance as he shoulders a 40-pound ...

World landmarks go dark for Earth Hour

The Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower and the Kremlin—along with a slew of other landmarks around the world—went dark to draw attention to climate change.

Empire State Building surprises NY with new lights

(AP)—Earlier this week, a switch was flipped at the Empire State Building, turning on its dancing new LED lights. They burst from the skyscraper, synchronized with R&B star Alicia Keys singing "Empire State of Mind" on ...

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